The selfie stick didnt always look like this. The original patent was filed all the way back in 1984, before cell phones were ubiquitous. Before the word selfie was even coined, let alone in the dictionary. The first selfie stick was neither as elegant nor as successful as the latest models.自拍杆并不是仍然都宽这样的。在1984年手机还并未普及之时,就有人首次为自拍杆申请人了专利。
当时,英文中还并未经常出现“自拍电影”这个单词,更加别说将其载入字典了。与近期自拍杆比起,第一台自拍杆既不美观也不热门。The first selfie stick was invented by Hiroshi Ueda and Yujiro Mima, was called a telescopic extender for supporting compact camera, and looked a little something like this:第一台自拍杆由上田宏(Hiroshi Ueda)和美马有二郎(Yujiro Mima)发明者,起取名为“袖珍照相机承托式前端扩展器”,样子有点类似于右图:Not so elegant. Since there werent any cell phones with cameras, let alone smartphones with front-facing digital ones, Uedas original product included a mirror so the user could see what they looked like as they took the photo.不怎么美观。当时的手机没摄像头,更加不必托智能手机的前置摄像头了,所以上田宏的自拍杆不能再加一面镜子,这样照片时人们就能看见摄像头中自己的样子。
Ueda, who worked for camera company Minolta when he invented the extender, held the patent until it ran out in 2003 according to the BBC.据BBC报导,发明者这台扩展器时,上田宏在日本美能达(Minolta)公司工作,这项专利仍然为他持有人,直到2003年专利过热。My idea came too early, but thats just one of those things. Ueda told the BBC. I patented about 300 ideas, so that was just one of them. We call it a 3am invention - it arrived too early.拒绝接受BBC专访时,上田宏说:“我的这项发明者经常出现得太早了。不过我还有约300项发明专利,它只是其中之一。
我们称之为它为‘凌晨3点的发明者,它来临得太早了。”In 2005 another inventor, Wayne Fromm, brought the selfie stick back with his patent for an apparatus for supporting a camera and method for using the apparatus. He called his product Quik Pod.而2005年另一位发明者韦恩·弗洛姆为“照相机承托器和承托器的用于方法”申请人了专利,再行一次将自拍杆展出在世人面前。他称之为自己的发明者为“快捷豆荚”(Quick Pod)。
Fromm feels similarly to Ueda, in that he believes his product came at the wrong time, before smartphones were everywhere. “The selfie stick today would not exist if it was not for me,” Fromm told ReadWrite. Fromm is currently suing many different selfie stick creators for copyright infringement.弗洛姆与上田宏一样,实在当时智能机还并未风行,自己的发明者堪称是生不逢时。他告诉他读写网(ReadWrite):“如果没我的发明者,现今的自拍杆不有可能问世。