Uber在中国遭遇挑战 全球蔓延势头萎靡|NG体育
发布时间:2024-10-22 18:26:01
本文摘要:In December, leaked Uber documents showed that the company was completing about 800,000 rides a week around the world. It’s a safe bet that the number is much higher now.去年12月,从微信应用于公司Uber泄漏出来的文件表明,全球每周有数80万人次通过Uber展开叫车服务。

In December, leaked Uber documents showed that the company was completing about 800,000 rides a week around the world. It’s a safe bet that the number is much higher now.去年12月,从微信应用于公司Uber泄漏出来的文件表明,全球每周有数80万人次通过Uber展开叫车服务。我们可以认同地说道,这个数字现在又快速增长了不少。

No matter how big it has gotten, however, Uber’s ride volume pales in comparison with the numbers of rides of its main Chinese rival, Kuaidi. That company, little known outside of China, is claiming up to 6 million rides every day. That makes Kuaidi, which is backed by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, or perhaps rival Didi Taxi (which is backed by Tencent Holdings and boasts of a similar scale and footprint), the world’s king of the ride-hailing apps at least by some measures.但是不管它快速增长了多少,Uber的业务量与它在中国的主要竞争对手“慢的微信”比起还是显得苍白。慢的在中国以外完全没什么知名度,但是据传它的业务量每天最少能超过600万人次。

因此从某种角度上来看,中国的电商巨头阿里巴巴投资的“慢的微信”和腾讯公司投资的“嘀嘀微信”(嘀嘀的规模和业务量据传和慢的差不多)才是微信应用程序界确实的王者。“This kind of transportation service has a big future in China,” says Joe Lee, a 39-year-old serial entrepreneur who is the co-founder of Kuaidi. “The addressable market is very very big.”39岁的倒数创业者、慢的微信的牵头创始人乔o李(译音)回应:“这种交通服务在中国很有前途,目标市场十分十分大。

”To be sure, Kuaidi’s model is different from that of Uber. Its app, which counts 100 million users, is used mostly to hail taxis in some 300 of China’s notoriously congested cities. The company makes no money from those rides, and the hailing app is nothing more than a tool to acquire customers.要认为的是,慢的微信的业务模式和Uber不过于一样。慢的微信应用程序现在早已享有1亿名用户,不过它最主要的用途是用来在300多个中国最交通堵塞的城市里叫出租车。公司本身并不借此抽成,这款叫车应用程序也只不过是一个招募用户的工具。Over time, however, Kuaidi is hoping to monetize its giant customer base with what it calls a “freemium” model. This summer, Kuaidi launched a luxury limo service in 20 cities that competes directly with Uber’s high-end black cars. Eventually, it plans to extend into the kind of ride-sharing, courier and delivery services that appear to be on the sights of most transportation startups.然而随着时间的流逝,慢的微信也期望利用“免费电子货币”模式,通过其可观的用户群赚。

今年夏天,慢的在20个城市发售了豪车租给服务,可以说道是针锋相对地与Uber的高端租车服务展开竞争。最后,慢的微信期望将业务扩展到拼车、导游和租车服务领域,而这些也正是大多数交通类应用于都虎视眈眈的领域。So how did Kuaidi go from zero to 100 million users, and a staggering 1 million drivers, in just two years? Lee says China’s characteristics—large, congested cities with poor public transit networks and massive fleets of relatively inexpensive taxis—were tailor-made for this kind of service.那么,慢的是如何在短短两年内,从零发展到1亿名用户,并享有了100万名司机的呢?乔o李回应这要得益于中国特色——大城市交通拥堵,公共交通网络不完备,再行再加有大量价格比较低廉的出租车,为这种叫车服务获取了得天独厚的条件。Subsidies helped too. To expand its network, Kuaidi let customers signal to taxis that they would add a tip to their fares. That simple feature quickly lured drivers, but it also dramatically expanded the number of riders, as it solved a critical issue: at rush hour and during bad weather, demand for taxis exceeds supply in many cities. “We used that simple function to kick-start the whole thing,” Lee says. Since then, Kuaidi added another incentive for drivers. On transactions that go through Alipay, a very popular payment service in China that is built into the Kuaidi app, the company will add an additional $1.另外补贴也起了一定协助。


”后来慢的微信还为司机获取了另一项鼓舞。如果用于慢的微信应用程序嵌入的支付宝功能缴纳的话,公司不会额外补贴1美元。Kuaidi, which has raised more than $100 million, now claims 1 million drivers on its network. Didi has also grown its network to similar size by subsidizing rides. The competing subsidies have led to a ruthless price war that is essentially financed by Kuaidi’s and Didi’s biggest backers, Alibaba and Tencent.慢的微信早已取得了多达1亿美元的融资,该公司还回应,它早已享有了一个100万名司机的可观网络。


Uber is entering this market as a clear underdog, a position that CEO Travis Kalanick says he relishes.Uber显著是作为一个弱者转入这个市场的,不过CEO特拉维斯o卡拉尼克回应,他很享用这个方位。“We get to be the little guy,” Kalanick said on Monday during the TechCrunch Disrupt technology conference in San Francisco. “For me that’s like homecoming.”本周一,卡拉尼克在旧金山参与TechCrunch Disrupt峰会时回应:“我们必需要做到小家伙,对我来说这就像回家一样。”Jixun Foo, a partner with GGV Capital, who lives in Shanghai, says Kuaidi and Didi combined have cornered the mass market for transportation in China. “In China, the real mass market is not an Uber black car market,” says Foo, who is an investor in Singapore based GrabTaxi, another cab-hailing firm focused on Southeast Asia. The challenge for the Chinese companies, Foo says, will be to move upmarket with new, paid services that compete with Uber premium service. Conversely, Uber will have a hard time gaining mass appeal in China, Foo says.居住于在上海的纪源资本(GGV Capital)合伙人符绩勋回应,慢的和嘀嘀特一起,早已独占了中国的交通类应用程序的大众市场。


符绩勋回应,中国企业面对的主要挑战,是要通过能与Uber的高端服务比起媲美的新收费服务转入高端市场。忽略,Uber则要代价一番希望才能取得中国老百姓的注目。For now, Uber has done just fine. The company, which began operations there about a year ago, is offering its marquee black car service in six major cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. This summer, it launched its less expensive Uber X service, and it began a ride-sharing service in Beijing to allow private individuals to pick up passengers.从目前来看,Uber的展现出还算数不俗。Uber大约一年前才在中国开始运营,现在它早已在北京、上海、成都等六个城市获取豪车租赁服务。

今年夏天,它又发售了略为低廉一些的Uber X服务。另外它还在北京发售了一项拼车服务,容许私人车主通过Uber与其他乘客拼车。

Allen Penn, who heads Uber’s business in Asia, says that in its first six months in Shanghai, Uber grew faster than it had after launching in New York, Paris or Singapore. Its adoption in Beijing was even faster. “Uber is offering a higher quality standard for a modest premium,” Penn says. “We are seeing growth that is outstripping anything we are seeing around the world.”Uber的亚洲业务负责人艾伦o潘回应,Uber在上海发售的前六个月里,它的发展要比在纽约、巴黎和新加坡等地更快,Uber在北京的使用率甚至还要更加多。他说道:“Uber以合理的费用获取了更高的品质标准。

我们看见,Uber在中国的发展速度多达了它在任何一个国家的速度。”The massive Chinese market seems to have enough room for Uber and its homegrown rivals for now. But the companies—with Uber set to expand its offerings and footprint, and the local players chasing premium services—are on a collision course in the world’s largest market, and perhaps, beyond. Kuaidi’s Lee says the company has its sights on China first, and neighboring countries next. Eventually, though, it may seek a foothold in the United States.目前显然,中国市场的可观,让Uber有充裕的空间和中国的竞争对手群雄逐鹿。


For now, the battlefield is in China’s mega-cities where the price wars are raging. “Ultimately you have to have a sustainable business,” Kalanick said. “At the end of the day, we are going to try to offer the cheapest most reliable rides in China. It’s going to be interesting.”目前显然,微信应用于大战还主要集中于在中国的大城市里,而且价格战有愈演愈烈之势。卡拉尼克指出:“最后我们不会创建可持续性的业务。总而言之,我们不会希望在中国获取最低廉、最可信的叫车服务。


