发布时间:2024-10-12 18:26:02
本文摘要:Windows 10 pricing remains up in the airWindows10价格未确定Microsoft has bold ambitions for Windows 10: To power 1 billion devices by 2018. To achieve that goal, the company will let most users update to the new version at no charge for one year after Windows 10’s release.微软公司对Windows10系统信心十足,希望到2018年,有10亿台电脑用于该系统。

Windows 10 pricing remains up in the airWindows10价格未确定Microsoft has bold ambitions for Windows 10: To power 1 billion devices by 2018. To achieve that goal, the company will let most users update to the new version at no charge for one year after Windows 10’s release.微软公司对Windows10系统信心十足,希望到2018年,有10亿台电脑用于该系统。为了达成协议这个目标,微软公司要求,在Windows10系统公布后的一年内,用户可以免费将系统改版至近期版本。

After that, however, Microsoft doesn’t know what it will charge customers to upgrade -- or how it will deliver upgrades in the future.但微软公司尚能不具体一年之后,如何缴纳改版费用,或者以后如何缴纳改版系统的费用,Joe Belfiore said Thursday the company’s primary concern is getting the operating system onto a critical mass of devices as quickly as possible. How will people get their hands on Windows 10 after the first year? I don’t know, Belfiore said at a press event.副总裁乔·贝尔菲里奥本周四回应,现在最重要的是让众多最重要的设备都加装该系统。但是,一年之后,人们怎么加装Windows10系统?“我不告诉。”贝尔菲里奥在发布会上说。

While Microsoft hasn’t claimed it would never charge customers to upgrade to its latest software, executives have put greater emphasis on casting the software as far as possible than on pricing. Users who update to will get new features and benefits for a long, long time, said Belfiore. Those add-ons will include application and full OS updates, he added.虽然微软公司未具体回应客户可以享用免费改版软件的服务,但是主管人员对软件的推崇程度相比之下多达了对价格的推崇。贝尔菲里奥回应:“自由选择改版系统的客户将能长时间享用各项一些新的功能和各项福利。

”这些额外的益处还包括应用于以及操作系统的几乎改版。Microsoft is taking a big gamble with Windows 10: That Windows can become integral to every mobile device and every piece of software we use. That’s because the one operating system can run universal apps developed for any device.对微软公司来说,Windows无异于一个赌局:也许该系统对于我们所用的所有移动设备或者软件都是不可或缺的。因为该操作系统可以运营所有设备的标准化应用于。

The result is a very different strategy for how the world’s largest software maker delivers and sells its products. To that end, Microsoft has transformed Windows from a one-time software license into a perpetual service. It’s also making sure its applications can live on many different devices, even those not running Windows.结果造成了世界上仅次于的软件制造商在销售产品时采行了有所不同的策略。为此,微软公司抛弃了重复使用软件许可证,转而要求为客户获取永久性服务。

此外,微软公司保证这些应用于在各式设备上都能用于,仍然运营了Windows系统也不值得注意。Uncertainty about Windows 10’s price tag may urge more PC users to upgrade sooner rather than later. Yet it also raises questions about the benefits and new features users can expect when they pay for Windows 10.但微软公司仍未确认一年之后Windows10系统的价格,这使得更加多用户在一年之内改版系统。但是,人们依然奇怪花钱出售Windows10系统时还能享用哪些新的功能。So how Windows 10 operate in the future? It will be pretty similar to the model you see with phones, said Belfiore.那么,在未来Windows10将何去何从呢?贝尔菲里奥回应这与“手机的更新换代是一样的。

